Signature Aquarian Mentorship — 12 months

$7,000.00 every month for 1 year

My Aquarian mentorship program and process is focused on bringing your Visionary Leadership and Creations into full radiant expression and manifestation through deliberate pressurization, calibration, illumination and upgrades to your 10 Bodies and Self-Sensory System. All of our work together will include attention on healing, refining and evolving your complete yogic anatomy ~ minds, bodies and soul ~ with the intention of amplified and integrated creative and leadership embodiment.

I have worked with artists, entrepreneurs, executives, cultural leaders, fellow teachers ~ visionaries of many expressions and based on needs and desires, we have deeply investigated Mastery of the 10 Bodies, Facets of the Mind, Communication, Relationship and Media Teachings, Women's Teachings, Men's Teachings, Sat Nam Rasayan, Advanced Meditation, Moon Centers and more. Individual mentorship is appropriate and suitable for Kundalini students and teachers alike, and is a tremendously supportive opportunity to experience the excellence of your own self-mastery.

Elements of the Signature Aquarian Mentorship:

— designed, curated and fine tuned as you progress

— full individual 2 hour session each week

I am honored to support and celebrate each one of you and all of your focus and work to continue reclaiming, receiving, visioning, anchoring in and expressing your true splendor and genius as victorious leaders of this Aquarian Age.

For consideration, please send details of your current sadhana, current leadership contributions and current dreams/desires that are up for development to

To freedom, strength and creating peace in all dimensions. 

With all love, 

Paramatma Siri Sadhana

For group, business/corporate and couples mentorship and consulting, please email to enquire.


I cannot put into words the healing that I've experienced within your container but I can tell anyone that you are the most potent magic I’ve ever known. I witness you holding many containers that are held in this world but not of this world. These are not for the light of heart. I’ve never met another human that can echo the light and truth songs and bilocate without instruction or instrument. I do struggle with my words, the inability to translate these because of the supreme visions. You are such a gift to this realm. Sat Nam Wahe Guru.”

—DC, Artist

What an incredible blessing to have a mentorship with Paramatma! It has been about a year since, and it's been a touchstone at the cutting edge of manifestation in my life. The experience gave me a taste of what it feels like to embody my greatness ~ Paramatma held the vision for me when I wavered, so clearly and powerfully, that when the opportunities came for me to take steps into it a year later, I dove in, feeling so natural and matter-of-fact about it in a way I couldn't have dreamed of had I not had the experience of the firm and loving space she held for me. It was utterly transformative to work with Paramatma, and I am so deeply grateful!

—Jing Han, Engineer and Artist

Cosmovision was a 6 month deep saturation contemplation, meditation and writing stabilizing  foundational nervous system frequencies, in early 2023. During that time, I ceased watching TV, movies, or participating in distractions that tipped my internal boat away from meditative states. My lover had moved states during this time, and I was practicing with longing, grief, desire, attachment, when the emergence of partnering with Paramatma Siri Sadhana for a mentorship arose. Paramatma’s precise intuitive profound depths have highlighted and supported my dreams, reminding me of aspects of self that were soil seeds.  My dream of Chaplaincy was highlighted.  Following the heart lightning strike, in dreamlike fashion, I was soon wearing a Chaplain coat and visiting patients in the local County hospital. 2023 then led to the swift (consecutive day) deaths of my dad and then my Auntie. The culmination of 2023 brought the ending of my long-term career. A year of deaths sprouted seeds that Paramatma helped me identify, nourish, nurture, as well as providing me with profound subtle energetic awareness practices. My pain, at Paramatma's suggestion, was also directed to writing slender books of poetry that I pray may also support others emotional arisings.  Writing through my pain has forever changed my cellular structures.  My deepest bows, gratitude, for Paramatma, for her excellence, wisdom, utmost graceful supportive presence.

—KM, IT Lawyer

The fully actualized and embodied work that Paramatma Siri Sadhana offers will change you on the deepest levels possible. The multifaceted and experiential ways her sequencing is organized, presented, and expected to be worked on, is intentionally done to elicit the highest levels of self-healing, self-realization, and self-empowerment possible. Since working with her, how I relate to myself and others has completely changed, I’ve seen the depth of my meditation practice widened beyond what I thought was physically and mentally possible, and my capacity to create, share, and give has increased exponentially. As indicated by the intense times happening in and around the world right now, the urgency to do the deep work that she intrinsically holds and offers women, leaders, and practitioners is needed now more than ever before. Do not miss out on this life-changing journey of deep healing, self-discovery, and acknowledgment and self-acceptance of your personal power.

—RK, Artist, Mother, Teacher

Paramatma Siri Sadhana's work is transformative on so many levels. She helped me to lovingly shed patterns, behaviors, and lower frequencies that were not serving me. She also helped me to stop outsourcing my powers to others and to remember my own divinity. During our work together, I opened to a path of higher consciousness and major shifts happened that supported my growth and evolution. If you want to make quantum leaps of healing and transformation, in any area of your life, Paramatma is your guide on this journey.

—Tiffany Sellaro, Biotech

Paramatma Siri Sadhana is the true embodiment of LOVE. Her teachings are the truth of the Aquarian age. She has and will continue to forever transform my life. She teaches through example and she has taught me to empower souls and women with unconditional love and support. She motivated me to begin and finish my first and second book in 2018! She has inspired and encouraged a body of work in collaboration with my dearest karmic relationship, my sister. She has changed my husband's life. She has taught me to value myself and my offering to the universe. I am teaching all over the US next year and overseas. She has taught me to offer myself in an unapologetic, unplugged vulnerable way. I have a deeper appreciation for the way I teach and share the practices of meditation/yoga/mindfulness, thank you Paramatma. She has pushed me creatively to challenge status-quo, eradicate fear and just do the damn thing!! In Paramatma Siri Sadhana I have found a spiritual teacher/mentor for life. During our time together her clarity allowed me to make life changing realizations about my subtle body. She has immense respect for the teachings and I could feel that in her voice every time we spoke. Her attentiveness to the collective mind and actualizing paradigm shifts in our culture is one of the many reasons why I deeply love being her student. She dug down deep and helped some of my most creative, connected and intimate life’s work to surface in my conscious mind. Our conversations have given it legs. Her trust in herself, the power of woman and the expansion of my being provided a container for growth in many worlds, subtle and seen. When Paramatma Siri Sadhana speaks I listen with my whole body, my love for her is infinite. I could go on and on... the teacher student relationship is such a divine place to sit and I am honored to call her my teacher!

—Susan Ashley Hunt

If I were to say my mentorship with Paramatma Siri Sadhana were just 'life changing' it would feel so flat and like such an understatement— it has been completely life-evolving, a multidimensional portal opening, where even the way I perceive the world and what is possible has dilated and become so much more vast and beautiful and real. Every domain of my life is thanking me for our magical and also very practical/grounding time together— she has a brilliant gifts of tuning into exactly what is needed for you to evolve your life and soul, like a spiritual “perfect pitch.” As she is an artist, kundalini master teacher, Sat Nam Rasayan (energetic) healer, poet, filmmaker, and healer to the most renowned healers currently on the planet, she brings her endless palette directly to your life. If you are somehow able secure a spot with her, consider yourself among the most fortunate alive. You can’t help but celebrate and enjoy it, and marvel as your life becomes more than you could ever imagine as your energies open and the genius of unblocked existence works its amazing ways.

—Meg Poe

To say mentoring with Paramatma Siri Sadhana is a game-changer, is an understatement. It has TRULY been LIFE changing. I came to her back in December, with a knowing that I was supposed to work with her. I can’t explain it other than after finding Space Weather Service last summer…and tuning in to what was next for me…I just knew. I knew by the sound of her voice, I knew it down deep in my gut! I was new to Kundalini and SNR sessions, but had been in energy coaching going on 3 years…so the idea of all of this didn’t feel scary…it just felt completely right. After many conversations with my husband around the financials of committing to this, I said yes, she said yes…and we began. This has been one of those moments in time that has and will continue to shape the rest of my life. Through weekly calls and monthly SNR sessions, I am a different person…from the inside out. I have found myself, my daily practice, my voice, my confidence, my knowing, my mission, my purpose, my clarity, my core. I know what I am here to do and what steps to take. I have found healing. I have found peace. I am so incredibly thankful for the wisdom, guidance, healing, and love Paramatma brings to our time. She comes to our calls and sessions already knowing and seeing what you need…what’s next, but with a gentle and very truthful heart…she guides you back to you. These past 6 months have been a steady return, a reset of my nervous system, a connection to my heart…so that I could actually begin to feel, in my body, what I am here to do. I would say I came to this journey ready, but confused. I had been working on myself consistently for a while and was in the beginning stages of discovering my truth…but it was filled with a lot of grasping for what didn’t fit and some really foggy glasses. I now can see very clearly, physically feel what is right for me…what’s right for my family, and know what and where I am headed. It’s funny (and sad) how we show up to our lives and play them so small. Well, if you work with Paramatma…she blows that wide open!!! I am doing and saying things that I never thought would say and do. It’s a beautiful adventure and I cannot wait to look back on another 6 months and see where it’s brought us. It’s kind of like that cheesy saying…”Look out world, here I come!,” but I genuinely feel that way now. I never thought, in a million years…I could REALLY make a difference. I think I would say it out loud, to kind of "fit the part/play the part” of where I was before...but what I have learned is that you can say it, but if you don’t actually FEEL it, physically FEEL it…well, they are just words. Paramatma helps you see your vision…and then creates the perfect environment for your body, mind, heart, and soul to catch up and then create the action steps needed to make it happen. It’s amazing! I would say…if you are here, reading this and thinking "that sounds like exactly what I need"…don’t hesitate! This mentorship process will forever impact the rest of your life in the most beautiful, most perfect way!

—Katie Schomberg

Mentoring with Paramatma Siri Sadhana created shifts in every area of my life. My personal practice deepened and my family unit was elevated by this deeply transformative experience. I am not one who is interested in traditional programs. I am a seeker of truth, expansion, service and creativity. Mentoring with Paramatma supported me in elevating every aspect of my life as a mother, a wife, a woman and as an artist. I see my life as before mentoring with Paramatma and after. She supported, held and ignited me in deepening and expanding and in doing so I burst through walls of limitation. I wholeheartedly recommend the commitment to this Mentorship Cycle for any woman who is in the center of her family, her work, her community and of course herself; she will find herself both raised up and deeply connected to herself and to all the dreams she holds in her heart for all the aspects of her life. The freedom I have tasted is the ache I had been longing for. I thank Paramatma Siri Sadhana for her service to my personal transformation.

—Carrie-Anne Moss